
ABAPI Webinar: The Impacts of the New Examination Guidelines on the Patent System

31 dez 1969

Yesterday, our partner and Coordinator of the Patents and Industrial Design Working Group of the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI), Leonardo Cordeiro, moderated the Webinar “The Impacts of the New Examination Guidelines on the Patent System,” organized by the Association.

The event addressed Ordinance No. 10/2024 of the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO), which introduces a new interpretation of Article 212 of the Industrial Property Law (LPI) and its consequences on second-instance decisions by the BPTO.

Speakers Heleno Costa, Technical Coordinator of Appeals and Administrative Nullity Processes of Patents at the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), and Tatiana Silveira, ABAPI Counselor, shared valuable insights on how the Authority is addressing the topic and how system users are adapting to these changes.

It was an excellent opportunity for knowledge exchange, and we hope the discussed content contributes to a better understanding of the changes and their implications!